February 22

Don’t Overuse Your Electronics

by Leilani

[22/365]: Lost in technologyCreative Commons License Devin Stein via Compfight

SO many people aren’t being very social because they spend all their time on tablets or phones, and don’t look up and never will talk to anyone. I think it’s unhealthy and bad because it can cause a large decrease in your social life.  If you don’t want to be taken over by the grip of addicting electronics, you should read this article to not be able to stop playing electronics.

Also, did you know that your brain can be split into two if  you don’t stop playing electronics. Your brain can also be TAKEN AWAY BY ALIENS AND BE PUT INTO A JAR! Just kidding. But if you’d really like to put your brain in a jar, you can, although it would hurt.

And did you know that if you stop playing on electronics, you and your life will be a lot less stressful. It’s true, you can become a lot less stressful because a lot of the games on phones, tablets, computers, or Ipads cost a lot of stress. They can be timed, and can stress you out.

Another downside of electronics is if you’re a young little kid, let us say you’re four. Your older brother also uses the phone and plays violent games on it. One day you get ahold of the phone and you accidently press on one of the most violent games he has. You become really scared because it has a lot of blood and violence, and you run to tell your mom. My point is, a lot of the games in the world are too violent for kids, and are being played too much and some kids are even starting to play real life GAMES related to them.

Another reason  electronics aren’t good is because a lot of kids and teens are becoming obsessed with electronics and won’t stop and that can be bad because as I said before, it can make your brain split into two halves and can cause a lot of damage and I know you wouldn’t want that, right?

In conclusion, I think kids and teens should use Tablets, Phones, Ipads, and Computers a lot less, or even completely stop using them because it maybe  might be one of the biggest problems we have if you think about it.


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Posted February 22, 2016 by BlogginFrogsStudent in category Health

1 thoughts on “Don’t Overuse Your Electronics

  1. zoe419234

    Dear leilani

    You are soooo right i used to play this game called Roblox and i played it all the time until Christmas came around and my mom knocked some sense in to me. Now I figured out that there’s more to do in life instead of electronics!

    from Zoe


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