February 22

Do animals have emotions?


elephants-kissing-1.jpg (550×825)Imagine two elephants that have not seen each other in 20 years and when they see each other again,  they are extremely happy to see each other. So that means animals have emotions just like people. Animals can get sad, angry, joyful, jealous or happy.

One reason, animals have emotions  is  orangutans get happy when they play with lights. They  usually slide to try to touch the lights. Same thing  with cats except they do not slide around they run around.

The second reason is a rhino can get along with donkeys because they would walk together as if they were talking to each other. Also they would eat together. So that means that rhinos can be friendly with other animals like donkeys. Rhinos are much happier when other animals are around.

Then the third reason is that chimpanzees can throw temper tantrums. In an experiment chimpanzee likes to eat bananas but if it gets a mystery food which means a food  they do not like,Also if they get a food they do not like they can throw a temper tantrum which means they can get very angry.       

And finally the last reason is a dog can get jealous when its owner because the owner would play a stuffed animal dog. Then the real dog would push it aside and tried to get attention so the owner would play with the real dog.

In addition, I think that animals have emotions because an animal could be sad, angry, joyful or friendly for example So i think that animals have emotions. Try to pay attention to your dog when you leave it might get sad or angry.



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Posted February 22, 2017 by nathan in category Animals, Environment

1 thoughts on “Do animals have emotions?

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