January 6

Unusual Animals

I am going to talk about animals. If you look at the title, then you’ll know they will be unusual. So the first one is the blobfish. It was elected for the ugliest animal in the world! Do you think it’s ugly? I think a little. It lives in deep water around southeastern Australia and Tasmania!

The unusual blobfish. It looks a little like a human face.

Next is the Aye-Aye. The Aye-Aye is a scary animal. At least I think it is. It lives in Madagascar and if you see him, RUN! Well that’s what I would do. It’s eyes are BIG and scary. It’s part of the lima family. It lives in trees.

The aye aye is one little scary creature!

Last but not least, is the Axolotls! Axolotls are easy to handle. They do not bite. They are not dangerous either. This thing is so cute I wish that they lived here in San Diego. But if you live in Mexico city your in luck because the Axolotls lives in the lake complex of Xochimilco (SO-chee-MILL-Koh) near Mexico City.

This cute axolotis looks like an alien.

Were you suprised these unusual animals are real? I hoped you enjoyed learning about these unusual animals! Check out the video below. It has ten more unusual animals.

June 8

Top 3 Ugliest Animals


The ugly blobfish.

Did you know that more people have been to space than to the deep sea? The deep sea is the lowest level of the ocean and some parts are about 7 miles below the ocean’s surface. It has been largely unexplored because of its harsh environment. There is little oxygen, light, and nutrients, and the water temperature is slightly above freezing. The animals came up with creative adaptations in order to survive in these environments. For example, they can not have air pockets or they would be crushed because of the underwater pressure, some have large eyes to help see in the dark, and some even have no eyes at all so they rely on their other senses.

I’ve picked my top three choices for the ugliest deep sea creatures, and in third place is the Blobfish. In my opinion, the Blobfish looks like a mad, old lady. The Blobfish has a big head and it’s about 1 foot long, pinkish in color, and has eyes that bulge out of its head. It lives near New Zealand, Tasmania, and Australia at depths of about 3900 feet under the sea. An interesting fact about the Blobfish is that out of the water it looks like a blob because it has no muscles or skeleton, but at home, in the deep sea, it looks like a normal fish.

Cthulhu Larva (A.K.A. Abyssal Sea Cucumber)

Abyssal sea cucumber.

My pick for second place is the abyssal sea cucumber, also known as the sea pig. It has no face, no eyes, and it eats mud. They live at the bottom of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. It lives more than 3000 feet under the sea in the Abyssal zone. The abyssal sea cucumber is so ugly that a predator wouldn’t want to eat it. 

dumbo octopus round

Dumbo octopus.

My pick for the number 1 ugliest deep sea creature is the dumbo octopus, because it’s so ugly it’s cute. One of its interesting features are the big eyes it has, however it can barely see. The dumbo octopus lives between 9800 and 2300 feet deep in the Pacific Ocean. The dumbo octopus gets its name from its big ears. Strangely these ears aren’t actually ears at all, they are fins. These fins allow it to save energy and change direction while swimming in the deep ocean.

The Blobfish, abyssal sea cucumber and the dumbo octopus are my top 3 picks for the ugliest sea creature. There are many other ugly deep sea animals out there so you could even come up with your own top 3. Just remember, the things that make these animals ugly are also what makes them amazing because these features help these animals survive in the deep, dark, and harsh ocean environment.

For more information check out these references:

The Deep Sea: http://marinebio.org/oceans/deep

Life in the Deep: http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3748096

Weird Animals: http://www.allanimalsfacts.com/weird-animals-2/

Deep Sea Creatures: http://ipfactly.com/category/amazing-animals/deep-sea-creatures-amazing-animals/