November 14

Shorter Receipts

This is the receipt for a pack of gum!

“Most receipts are really long!” I think in line as I see the lady in front of me getting a five foot long receipt. Help the world shorten receipts. Shorter receipts will make everyone happy. Fifteen percent of California’s trash is receipts. Shorter receipts mean less paper in dumps. And that’s awesome. If we use the back it will save a lot of paper.

Long receipts can do a lot of bad things. Receipts that are really long wastepaper wasting paper. Long receipts also waste ink. Did you know that about one cartridge a day. I went to CVS and got five things the receipts was like three feet long.

Not everything is useful on a receipts. Coupons are a waste if it is already in a book, (if you don’t know coupons are things that save you money). I saw the same phone number 3 times on a receipt. Lots of people think we need all that stuff but they really don’t.

People don’t like long receipts. I want to help people to be happy. When I go to Sprouts or another store and I see all of the junk on the back it makes me angry. (And that’s what I want to get across). Come with me and ask for no receipts. People Really long receipts waste a lot of paper.


November 14

We Need To Recycle!

We have to recycle more for our Earth.

Recycling makes Earth beautiful, and there’s other good ways that recycling helps Earth. Do you know what helps Earth a lot? Here are three reasons.

We can save a lot of money. We won’t have to buy new things to make recyclable resources. When factories make new resources, the air gets polluted. But if we recycle, we won’t have as much polluted air. Recycling’s meaning is similar to the meaning of reusing. We can keep reusing things and save money.

If we don’t recycle, we are wasting recyclable resources! If we keep wasting those resources, there will be no recyclable resources and there will be many trashes on land or landfills because we can’t recycle. But if we recycle, we’re not wasting recyclable resources!

Less recycling means a lot of landfills. If there are so many landfills, the earth will get wasted by all of the trash! But if we don’t  recycle, landfills will get bigger and bigger and there will be more trash on the land. We put big boxes in landfills and landfills get bigger, but if we recycle we will make smaller landfills. If we have so many landfills, there will be no place left for anything!

If we recycle we can save many things. We can save money, resources, and Earth. To shorten that, we will live happier lives if we recycle!

November 14

No more littering on the beach

Lost things
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Giovanni Orlando via Compfight

Do you enjoy the beautiful beaches of San Diego?  Well, guess what? They are literally getting destroyed! The beautiful beaches of San Diego, California, and others in the United States are being littered and quickly being destroyed by trash. The beaches of the world are being trashed too. One little piece of trash might not seem like a big deal, but littering is a major problem in the United States. In fact, litter cleanup costs the country about $11.5 billion a year! That’s a lot of money! If we did not litter on the beach, The United States could save a whole lot of money!

When people litter on the beach that means other people have to waste their time to clean it up. Once when I went to the beach do you know what happened? I laid right down on a bottle! You know, bottles are not comfortable! So then instead of playing in the water I had to pick it up, and then find a trash can. The worst part is, by the time I got back someone threw a bottle onto my towel!!! Also, Some people (like myself) try to keep the beach clean and/or litter free, but when people litter, the people trying to keep the beach clean have to spend more time on that instead of enjoying other time spender activities like playing games or even just laying in the sun.

Guess what, when trash goes to sea dolphins and other creatures can die from it. If a pile of heavy trash attaches to an animal that breathes air the animal can drown! Also even worse all of those beloved water animals of ours can die from choking on all that trash! The worst part is that like if you have a super rare fish that is the last of its kind or any animal  (I’m just being creative with the fish) that needs water can get pulled out of the water and suffocate and die.

Hey, Trash on the beach, really? sure you are lazy and don’t want to pick it up but it is ugly and really dangerous, especially to kids! When trash is everywhere it looks like a dump and you know what, dumps are really ugly!!! Also if people into the sand they could hurt themselves really bad like when I was on the beach just walking and then out of nowhere boom! I stepped on a piece of broken glass and got a really nasty cut!!!

I really hate dirty beaches aren’t they the worst? Well, I think dirty beaches are the worst because of these reasons. First, when people litter on the beach that means other people have to waste their time cleaning it up and that’s not fun at all! Second, when trash goes to sea,dolphins and other people can die from it and that could lead to extinction. Finally, Third of all it is ugly and super dangerous!!!

November 14

Buy alternative cars

the Tesla has landed

Photo Credit: Steve Jurvetson via Compfigh

Alternative cars are cool with all these gadgets and stuff but do you know why they are good for the earth? They don’t use gas! Gas costs money and is harmful to us. They don’t harm the Earth’s environment so they will be better for the planet. Fuel efficient cars are better for the environment and will be the future cars.

I have seen a lot of cool cars but the coolest one I’ve seen is the new Tesla Roadster at the mall because it is fuel efficiency.This means this car does not use gas this is good because is doesn’t bring out harmful gases.Regular cars bring out harmful gases and if this keeps on our species are going to be extinct! Harmful gases are in the air that are dangerous to us and we can die because of them.

These cars don’t need gas so you pay no money for gas but you still have to charge the car. Sometimes cars use regenerative braking.This means the car charges itself when you brake so you don’t have to charge the car and the car charges itself.

So how can harmful gases harm us? When cars bring out harmful gases  they go into the air and make a hole of ozone.Ozone is something that keeps the suns harmful rays away from us. This is called global warming. The suns harmful rays melt ice and heat up the planet just like Venus.

Alternative cars are the future of cars and more alternative cars are being produced. If people use them more there will be less global warming.. So remember  that alternative cars are better, don’t use gas and are the future of cars.

November 14

We need new computers

Our school needs new computers! I’m going to give you some good reasons why. I hope I can convince you that we need new computers here at Curie Elementary School. We need the best computers to be the best students.


Totally frustrated with a netbook!

One reason we need new computers is because our old computers don’t always connect to the internet. Many of our computers turn themselves off while we are using them. Another reason our old computers need to be replaced is because when we try to turn them off, sometimes they don’t turn off all the way, and the batteries run out. Often, they freeze in the middle of a project. Losing work slows me, and other students, down and wastes our work time. These days, we use computers for almost everything: writing, research, word processing, etc. We students deserve to have computers that run smoothly.

Our classrooms would benefit from having new computers. Please consider the examples I have presented. I hope you will agree that we are in desperate need of new computers at Curie Elementary School.