November 17

Let’s work to save endangered animals

White Tigers, Singapore Zoo {Explore}

Endangered white tigers in a zoo.

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Eustaquio Santimano via Compfight

Do you like to many animals such as the tiger or the pandas? Do you want future generations to see and enjoy them? Very soon they might become extinct! There is as little as 3,062 tigers left in the wild! And only 1,590 pandas left in the wild! According to recent studies the number of pandas and tigers are going up because zoos and fundraising to bring them back. We should save endangered animals so future generations can see, enjoy and learn more about them.

You want people after us to see, enjoy and learn about animals. They will learn about them and do many things with them, like reports, read a books and visit them in zoos. How would they feel to know they’re extinct! They will want to see them  in real life not hear stories about them (like what happened to the wooly mammoth). We want to show that we didn’t just give up on trying to save them. They will want to have them thrive and make sure the the animals don’t die out. We want to save them, they will too.

We should stop cutting down trees in the rain forest  because many of the endangered animals live there. I know that  many endangered animals live there because I watched a TV show and it showed tigers and pandas living in the rain forest. Many species die out because of loss of habitat. I also know that poachers are friends with loggers because when the loggers cut down trees the poachers can find animals. Hunting leads many animals to the break of extinction.

If one species dies out it affects the whole life cycle. Also if one species dies out others might too. It might makes some species stronger and some species get weaker. The ones that are stronger then have more space to takeover. The species that takes it’s place also might overpopulate and that may lead to it going into places where people live. If that animal is a carnivore it may harm people or pets.

If we don’t save endangered animals they will die out. If we do save them then people can see and enjoy them, the life cycle will not change and people can visit them in zoos. Studies show that we can bring them back, and we should. People should save endangered animals so future generations can see and enjoy them.

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Posted November 17, 2013 by cmlamppub in category Student Posts

3 thoughts on “Let’s work to save endangered animals

  1. haleybugr88

    Dear Callie,
    All that you have wrote in your post is true. It is very sad that a lot of people are killing them for their fur, I can’t believe people do that. Did you know that the tigers and pandas aren’t the only ones getting extinct, scarlet macaws are also getting extinct. Also there is this bird farm in Costa Rica, that just raises scarlet macaws then lets them go when they are all grown up, if only the did that with pandas and tigers so they don’t just go to the zoo for help, were they can stay in the natural environment.

    Your Classmate Haley

  2. mikeyholter

    I agree because if people kill an animal its praetor will die because it wont have a food source. I also agree that sometimes they kill animals for no reason.

    From Mikey


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