October 26

Celebrating Creatively

Jack-O-Light TPorter2006 via Compfight

Week 4’s challenge is Celebrating Creatively. How do you celebrate holidays, like Halloween and Thanksgiving? Click on over and read Miss W.’s post and then do either activity 2 (a poem) or activity 3 (how you celebrate Halloween). I know that Halloween is a huge holiday in the United States but in many countries it’s not really celebrated or it may be celebrated in a very different way. You can also write a comment here and tell us how you celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving.

October 26

Using Images

Grandma's hands Sparky via Compfight

So, we’re a little behind with our Edublogs Challenge work. Week 3’s work is all about images and how to use them correctly in your blog posts. You can’t just use any image you want off the Internet. There are rules for you to follow. This is super important stuff so be sure to read all of Miss W.’s post for Week 3 before you do the activities. You can see I’ve used an image in this post. It’s from Compfight which is a widget available on Edubogs. It’s easy to use because it includes the attribution.

The activities look really fun. You can write about a favorite time with your family, a person who passed away, or interview a grandparent and write about it. Have fun!

October 26

My Avatar

I have one question for you all. So do you act different out of the internet? I know I do. I act wild with my friends at recess. Herealisticme2re I am very calm and even a little boring. In the real world I’ll run and scream if a exciting TV show is on. I also like softball. What do you like? I like to watch TV. But if you really want to express yourself make a profile picture so people  have a idea what your personality is. In my class we made  a avatar.It was very fun for instance I have brown eyes so my avatar has brown eyes make a avatar that is you!

This is my avatar.