June 12

Modern Art Sculptures

You’ll never guess what these sculptures are made from? We created these unique sculptures using wood, a wire coat hanger, a stocking, white liquid glue, and acrylic paint. First we fashioned a shape with the coat hanger, creating lots of twists and turns. We were careful not to limit our creativity and just “went with it”. After that we covered the coat hanger with a regular ladies stocking, pulling the stocking tightly around the wood, and tying it . Once we did this the sculpture really took shape. We then painted a couple of coats of watered down liquid glue and let the sculpture dry over night. Next, we imagined! What would our sculptures be? A fish? A whale’s tail? An octopus? We let our imaginations run wild. Finally, we painted our sculptures to create these one of a kind sculptures. What do you see? Do you see the creature or creation in each sculpture? Want to try this yourself? Then check out these instructions for a Wire-Stocking Sculpture.