October 11

A Curie Student’s Life

cropped-School-2i7jr0f.jpgHello! We are Curie Elementary students in San Diego, California. We are 4th graders and our teacher is Mrs McKelvey. We go to school 5 days a week–Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Our school starts at 7:45am and ends at 2:10 pm so our school goes on for 6 and a half hours, except on Wednesday because it is short day and ends at 12:15 pm.We have six grade levels in our school–from Kindergarten to 5th grade.

Some of the subjects we do in our school day is Math, Word Study, Writing, Shared Reading, Social Studies, Science (we go to the classroom next door for that with Mrs.Monastero), and Book Clubs. Book Clubs is reading in groups we have jobs that we do like Story Summarizer you summarizer the story and there is a lot more.