May 15

Littering should be stopped    

Stop Trashing My Ocean ...Creative Commons License Ingrid Taylar via Compfight

Littering is damaging the environment. The problem with littering is that it’s poisoning the environment. Garbage is making its way into rivers and oceans, which is hurting animals like sea life birds and more. It seems like trash is thrown everywhere but a trashcan! Do you know how big the problem is? Have you ever seen pictures of the Pacific Garbage Patch? It is literally a floating island of plastic trash. It swirls around the sea, and surprisingly, it’s 2 times the size of Texas!

Animals are choking, getting trapped in trash and eating plastic and other garbage. Populations of fish are dying because of trash harming them, which is affecting the food chain. If the little fish dies, the big fish can’t eat it, and it ends up not finding food, and passing away. Some trash can be wrapped around an animal, and the animal chokes and dies

Carelessness of trash getting into bad places is NOT okay. Just by letting a small piece of trash, you could cause the death of a sea animal. It sounds like that’s crazy, but it could happen. Sea animals are so innocent, you don’t want to let a turtle die? Do you?

I think littering shouldn’t be done at all no matter what. Trash you throw on the ground could be blown into the sea where a bird or an animal could choke on it, So it should be stopped. It’s already illegal to do it, so don’t! It’s meaningless to drop trash on the ground when there’s literally a trash can 15 feet away! And that’s why you should never litter… EVER.