May 7

Exotically Cute But Not a Good Pet

蜥蜴 (Lizard): Olympus E-M1 MII / Leica DG Vario-Elmar 100-400mm f/4-6.3 O.I.S via Compfight

Imagine you’re in a new home away from your mom and dad, and you eat werid food and drinks. That is what it’s like as an exotic pet. In my opinion exotic animals should not be pets! As far as I am concerned they can ruin an ecosystem, it’s bad for the animal, and the owner might not know how to take care of them  

First of all, the exotic animal can ruin an ecosystem. For example, the ferret is banned in California because it eats the bald eagle. The bald eagle is needed. The exotic animals might do things they’re not supposed to do.  Another reason it’s bad to keep exotic animals for pets is that if the pets are released into a new environment, they could give diseases to other native animals in the region.

Also, the animals can even get killed by some of the thing in your yard. In other words you have to watch them in when playing outside and with things in your yard. loris remove sharp firmt teeth painful to the animal. Some animals living conditons! Also gitter can hunt animals like tulers. One day they fonded a whale with paistic bags inside!

Furthermore, the owner don’t learn to take of them. The need a certain item like sheither, medicine, foods. And if the owner feeds it a type of food the owner can hurt or even kill the animals. Also its cruel with the wrong things and invermeant.

In conclusion, the reason exotic animals SHOULD NOT be pets is because they can ruin an ecosystem, it’s bad for the animal, and the owner might not know how to take care of them properly.

May 7

Too Much Sugar!

Sugar Cubes (7164573186).jpg

By david pacey from LEEDS, West yorkshire – Sugar Cubes, CC BY 2.0, Link

Who here has ever been offered some candy or a piece of cake, you know you shouldn’t eat it  but you can’t help yourself. You gobble it down and it tastes amazing! It might taste amazing right now but 20-30 years from now you will really regret eating it. Sugar is in everything we eat, even stuff that seem healthy. Sugar has many bad effects on our body, but we can’t stop eating it! We eat at least three times as much sugar as we’re supposed to daily which is leading to obesity in kids and adults. In the U.S many kids are obese and more people are becoming obese because of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. People are having way too much sugar, we need to cut back on sugar and eat more healthy starting now!

Although sugar tastes amazing, it’s not good for you. Sugar has many negative effects on your body. It damages your brain, your joints, your liver, your heart, it even makes your skin older and more wrinkly. Sugar causes Heart Disease, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, obesity, and a higher risk of Cancer. When you eat a lot of sugar it will make you more sad when you are an adult, it will also be eaten by bacteria on your teeth causing your teeth to rot. Your probably thinking just stop eating sugar but that’s hard because when you eat sugar your brain feels good and releases a chemical called Dopamine, but when your eating fruits or veggies your brain doesn’t feel as good and releases little Dopamine. This is one reason why people are addicted to sugar.

Sugar is hiding in everything we eat! Some things that seem perfectly healthy have more sugar than you think for example, a peanut butter and jam sandwich has 18 grams of sugar in it. The American Heart Association says that every day your only supposed to eat 25 grams or in other words 6 teaspoons of sugar. More than 70% of the U.S eats at least 22 teaspoons of sugar, sometimes even more everyday! Right now 13% of our diet is added sugar, that is so crazy! Natural sugar from fruit and stuff also has an effect on your body but it isn’t as bad as having sugar spoonful from spoonful. One day I recorded how much sugar I had for breakfast. I had 72 grams, that what just from 3 pumpkin muffins! 72 fits in 25 almost three times I had way too much sugar.

Lately, people have started to battle against obesity. One reason people are becoming obese is because of chocolate milk. The chocolate milk they are having has 28 grams of sugar in it. That is 3 more grams than they are supposed to have and if you add the grams of sugar they have already had then you get something like 80 grams a day! One reason why the chocolate milk has so much sugar in it is because it contains high fructose corn syrup.The syrup is basically plain sugar so people have tried to come up with new chocolate milk but in many cases kids don’t like it. People think the important part about the milk is that it contains calcium but it also contains a lot of sugar. “If somebody proposed giving kids caramel apples so they would eat more apples, my guess is that most people would look at them like they’re crazy,” says Brent Walmsley. He’s the one who started an organization called SugarWatch.

Sugar is a big reason why kids are becoming obese. The obesity rates have gone up like crazy! From 1980-2008 it went from 6 out of 100 people to 20 out of 100. Right now 1 out of 3 kids are obese and the rates are still rising. Obese kids are more likely to have health problems and as an adult have more severe problems and get worse. No one wants to be obese, so if you exercise, eat healthy, and not watch too much TV then you should be fine.

You might be wondering how to prevent eating sugar, here are some ways. You can check the nutrition label and on the back, look for the word sugars and once you find it there should be a number next to it telling how many grams of sugar it is. Some of it is probably natural sugars so check if anywhere else it says added sugars. You can also check the ingredients section and if you see words like beet, honey, and high fructose corn syrup and many other names then you know there is sugar in it

To sum up , some people rely on sugar to feel better but really it’s hurting them. We have 16 more teaspoons of sugar then we’re supposed to and sometimes more. Stuff like honey nut cheerios have 9 grams of sugar! That is more than ⅓ of how much we’re supposed to have! Kids are becoming obese across the U.S because of one reason, SUGAR! We really really need to stop eating too much sugar. I tried to eat less sugar and I ate around 60 grams, that is better but not enough. Some people think sugar is delicious but would you want to be unhealthy and overweight but eat treats or be healthy and strong but not eat as many treats. Today I challenge you to try and eat around 30 grams of sugar, I know I’m going to try!

February 10

School Uniforms Good or Bad?

by Keeley

Boro Park - Holy Spirit ES G2 1989-907

School uniforms can look super cute!

Do you want to wear uniforms or have you? Do you like uniforms? What is a uniform? An uniform is an outfit worn by people that are members of an organization that all look the same. And I’m sure after you read this you’ll want uniform. Students are focusing more and more on clothes so there should be school uniforms at every school. This is why we should have them one kids won’t get judged for their clothes, two school will be efficient, last they cost less money. So here’s why we should have uniforms.

School uniforms are great because they are stopping kids from judging more and more kids. Kids in school will not be judge for how they look. You can’t say something bad to someone on how their clothes look if there wearing the same dress as you. They will equal to one another by having the clothes, books, and more. They can work out their differences without clothes, doing it a recess and in speech. No one can put you down by saying you’re clothes are ugly and make you feel bad about yourself. No one wants that.

School uniforms make school look more efficient. Schools with uniforms the students and the school will get better grades. If the principal is getting interview the interviewer might look at the school grade and if grades are good, he might say this is a great school to go to. Then more and more student will go to that school. Which then will make the school more and more popular. And then it would be one of the best school to go to and I know that feeling.

School uniforms cost less money. Parents don’t have to spend money on school clothes they can just by the uniform, which might be cheap! Most of the time uniforms are not that much when you by them at school. It helps you if you don’t have that much money. You could save up to go on a trip, or to buy a small house! We all need sometimes to save money.

Some people disagree that uniforms are a bad idea. They think kids should be free to wear their own clothes because it’s an expression of themselves.   So now you learned all the advantage uniform have like how uniform, stop kids from judging, make schools look more efficient, and save money I hope you learned somethings about uniforms.

Anthony Catalano via Compfight